To access official By-laws for Miss Rodeo Idaho, Inc., contact any member of the board of directors.
Grievance Process for Miss Rodeo Idaho, Inc. For grievances regarding any processes or incidents during the annual Miss Rodeo Idaho Pageant, refer to the Miss Rodeo Idaho Pageant Rule Book. Grievances regarding organizational business or conduct of the board of directors of Miss Rodeo Idaho, Inc., or individual member(s) of the board must be submitted via this formal complaint process: 1. All complaints must be submitted in writing. 2. Complaints must include the name, address and daytime phone number of the person filing the complaint. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted or reviewed. 3. The complaint should include as much detail about the subject as possible in order for appropriate action to be taken. 4. Complaints may be submitted by mail to: Miss Rodeo Idaho, Inc. PO Box 291 Nampa, ID 83653 In addition, an electronic copy shall be sent to any 2 of the following 3 individuals: Complaints may be addressed to: • Miss Rodeo Idaho, Inc. President; or • Miss Rodeo Idaho, Inc. Executive Board • Complaints must be signed and dated, or they will not be accepted. • If a response to the complaint is desired, the letter must indicate so. • Any complaints that do not follow the above process will be classified as invalid. • All grievance complaints will be brought before the executive board of Miss Rodeo Idaho Inc. A decision will be made by the executive board to act upon, accept or reject the grievance and any appropriate action will be taken.